Tuesday, April 5, 2022

puzzle #23: yajilin (builder)

 a weird one! i highly suggest solving this puzzle on graph paper, so you don't have to immediatly put the shapes in a constricting grid! you can read the rules on the penpa version and on the logic masters germany page.

solve on lmg or penpa

puzzle #22: hashi ('spark')

 quick hashiwokakero!

solve on puzz.link

puzzle #21: mutant fillomino

 this one is a lot, i'm sorry. it's a fillomino puzzle that includes 11 common sudoku variants. the rules are on its logic masters germany page (linked below)!

 find on lmg

puzzles #19-20: valentine variety

 two easy ones i made for valentine's day! you can find them on logic masters germany here.

- standard akari rules

solve on puzz.link

- standard statue park rules (using 2 full sets of tetrominos)

solve on penpa

puzzle #17-18: cutter

 i created a (kind of) original genre: cutter! nikoli actually has one that is pretty similar but i'm still sharing what i've made with it :)

rules: Divide regions into sub-regions. Every region must contain a number of sub-regions equal to the given clue. A region without a clue may be divided any number of times (including 0). Also, two sub-regions of the same shape (including rotation and symetry) cannot share an edge.

solve on penpa

solve on penpa

Monday, April 4, 2022

puzzles #14-16: fillomino variations

 i went on a streak of publishing excentric fillomino puzzles on logic masters germany (lmg). they all received very positive feedback, which i am very pleased about! 

all the information needed to solve a puzzle and its penpa link can be found on its lgm page that is linked underneath it. 

#14: star battle (fillomino construction)

find on lmg

#15: XV fillomino

find on lmg

this one was featured on Craking the Cryptic!! 

you can watch Mark solve this puzzle in this video!

#16: quad fillomino (checkered)

find on lmg

puzzle #13: aqre ('void')

 here is a nice and pretty aqre puzzle!

this is a very fun genre created by Eric Fox (you can find his puzzles on his blog)

solve on puzz.link

puzzle #12: binairo ('scan')

 is this a decent binairo?

you can find the rules for binairo and an example puzzle here.

solve on penpa

puzzles #29-32: snake skyscrapers!

 not snakes in skyscrapers. snake skyscrapers! a thread rules: standard  snake pit rules  apply. also, numbers outside the grid are skyscrap...