Sunday, January 16, 2022

puzzle #10: akari

 a quick little akari!

solve on

it's inspired by this great picture:

puzzle #9: nurikabe + araf

 this one is a little bit more experimental. it's a mix of nurikabe and araf!

the full rules for the puzzle are in the penpa link.

solve on penpa

puzzles #7-8: silly LITS (II and Vv)

 more variations on LITS! both puzzles have the same rules as LITS but use different sets of shapes.

in this II puzzle, you can only use the I tetromino and the I tromino (in other words, straight lines of 4 or 3 cells):

solve on penpa

in this Vv puzzle, you can only use the V pentomino and the v tromino:

solve on penpa

puzzle #6: instructionless grid (puzzle 10)

i made a little puzzle using the same rules as puzzle 10 from instructionless grid because i really liked that one!

to not spoil anything, i won't put the rules or picture of the puzzle here. don't solve it if you haven't solved instructionless grid at least to that point

solve on penpa

puzzles #4-5: baby LITS (vI)

i present to you vI, LITS' younger sibling!

the rules are the same as LITS, except you can only use the v and I trominos. i made two of them:

solve on penpa

solve on penpa

puzzles #1-3: various yajilin

 for my first puzzles, three types of yajilin!

first, a classic one. you can find the rules here.

solve on penpa

second, a simple variant. the diagonal arrows show the number of blackened squares in that direction.

solve on penpa

third, another variant! i found this one on gmpuzzles in a puzzle by Serkan YĆ¼rekli. you can find the rules there or on the penpa link.

solve on penpa



i'm au voleur! and i like to make stuff:

  on bandcamp, i publish experimental/noisy/ambient music: my latest track (also my best one, i think)

  on soundcloud, i share my more pop/approachable music: a remix of a charli xcx song

  on, i release very small games, most of them made with puzzlescriptmy page

and here, i will be posting my paper puzzles! i will also make announcements when i release things, but the focus is on puzzles. 

that's all i have so say for now.

have fun!

puzzles #29-32: snake skyscrapers!

 not snakes in skyscrapers. snake skyscrapers! a thread rules: standard  snake pit rules  apply. also, numbers outside the grid are skyscrap...